Monday 12 November 2012

Add Variety To Your Exercise Programme with a Bath Personal Trainer

As a personal trainer Bath I have to agree, and it has been said many times before, variety is the spice of life. Variety is also important when it comes to exercise programmes. Continuously varying your exercise programmes are key to improving your fitness in Bath, and in helping you achieve your optimum results. Otherwise you will just plateau and any progress will come to an abrupt stop. If you are going to ask a Bath Personal Trainer, they will tell you how important variety is for your exercise programme to be effective.If you are going to do all the same things each and every day, then things will wear pretty quickly right? The same is true when it comes to personal training.

Keeping your body in good condition should be your priority to be able to live happier and longer. Sometimes, just keeping your body in good condition is not enough,and looking great is only one small part of the equation. A personal trainer can help us whatever fitness goals we have. They will guide us through the process of reaching our goals. They will be beside us, doing the same exercise routines with us to make sure that we are doing them the right way.
To reach your fitness goals, you have the option to go to the gym in an attempt to get stronger and fitter. However, if what you will do is the same exercises each day, then there is no doubt that your body will complain too. This same reasoning applies whether you go to a gym in Bath to lose weight or to build muscles.

It is important for you to remember that our bodies are not programmed for this regimented form of exercise. If you are training yourself for a specific event that requires endurance or even muscle strength, you can work your leg muscles until your face turns blue, but that will not work ultimately for your goal. Sooner then, you will reach that familiar plateau that you will not see further gains and might even experience minor muscle loss. But if you are going to work with a Personal Trainer beside you, then you will have a totally different experience. They are the experts in helping you break through the periods where your progression seems to have slowed.

A Bath Personal Trainer is a qualified person that can help you in getting the best result for your fitness goals. They will help you to get the best out of your exercise programme. They are there to help you not to get bored with your workout routine. They will mix things up so that you will have variety and fun.They will challenge you!! This way, you will be able to reach your fitness goals far quicker than if you were doing it on your own, whilst keeping you focused on your achievements.

A Personal Trainer in Bath is what you`re looking for if you need more motivation for your fitness goals. There may come a time that you may lose hope because you`re not seeing the results you desire. The Personal Trainer is someone that can help you regain your motivation and get you back on track in obtaining your fitness and ideal goals.

A great Bath Personal Trainer is a person who can give you the motivation that you need for the success of your fitness goals, whether it is for muscle development or losing weight. They can help with all aspects of your training programme that you have to undergo. They will be able to help you with everything that you need when it comes to implementing the required exercise routines for you. A trainer understands that each individual has their own unique differences, and because of this, each also has individual needs and requirements when it comes to achieving their goals. A Trainer understands this fact and creates specific exercise programmes for specific people depending on their age, gender, fitness goals, etc. That way, one can be sure that they will achieve their goals in the most effective and safe way possible.

Personal Trainers in Bath Aim BodyFitness also understand the importance of diet. They don’t only focus on exercises but on nutrition as well. Trainers will help you in rekindling your love for food while at the same time teaching us the healthier way of preparing them. Because they are certified trainers, we can be sure that they will be able to help us learn healthy eating behaviours. Another good thing about hiring a Personal Trainer is that they will encourage us to deal with the negative thoughts we have about our image. The fact that we acknowledge our need for their help means that we are not satisfied with the current status of our health or on the way we look. They can help us to increase confidence with our health and appearance.

So in summary, the benefits of having personal training in Bath are far greater than if you were to train alone, and you may be surprised how affordable one of our programmes can be.

Aim BodyFitness are ready and waiting to get you on the right path to great health and fitness. You won`t regret it once you get started!

Monday 5 November 2012

Turn Fat Into Muscle

Craig Ballantyne is one of the world`s leading authorities on fat loss. I have been following his work for a few years now, and even incorporate similar strategies based on his workout and nutrition systems into my own programme design. Check out this article written by him on why fat will never convert to muscle like so many people mistakenly believe.....

Fitness myths are a real pain in the butt. They waste your time by leading you to use ineffective and inefficient exercise and nutrition techniques. Here's one of my myth busters from Men's Fitness magazine.


Myth: You can turn fat into muscle

The Truth: You have a better chance of turning straw into gold than converting fat cells to muscle-the two are completely different kinds of tissue. For one thing, fat can't be flexed, whereas muscles control all your body's movement. Nevertheless, when people see a guy who's made a successful body transformation, they tend to assume he actually swapped one for the other. At first thought, it seems to make sense-the muscle he built is exactly where the fat used to be.

In reality, though, the only way anybody ever turned flab into abs is by losing fat and building up the muscle that was lying beneath it. Your best strategy for doing that: a high-protein diet; regular, intense strength training; and cardio-especially fat- and calorie-incinerating intervals.

Here's another popular myth:

Myth: 1 pound of muscle burns 50 calories per day

The Truth: This is another of the biggest misconceptions and most often quoted myths in fitness articles.

Unfortunately, it is just not possible for each pound of new muscle to burn 50 extra calories per day. Just think about this number in the big picture. If I put on 10 pounds of muscle, it is wishful thinking to believe that my metabolic rate will go up 500 calories. That would be a huge jump, and would make it difficult to keep the new muscle on my body if my metabolism jumped up that much.

I'm the first person to recommend strength training to people, but we can't use this myth any more as justification. But not to worry, there are plenty of other reasons to strength train when your goal is a better body (increased bone mineral density, increased real-life strength, and improved bodysculpting are just three reasons to use strength training).

Come and check us out by clicking here to see if we can help you reach your health and fitness goals and aspirations :-) 

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked fat burning, muscle building workouts have helped thousands of men and women with weight loss and fat burning in less than 45 minutes three times per week. His new bodyweight, muscle building, and fat loss workouts each month help you get more results in less time.

Sunday 4 November 2012

Improve Your Fitness in Bath with Aim BodyFitness

Justin, one of my dedicated clients has been kind enough to do a quick video on why he still chooses to train with personal trainers in Bath - Aim BodyFitness.

A keen cricketer and runner, he thought he was pretty fit when he started training to improve his sporting performance. However it came as a bit of a shock when he realised basic strength exercises were shown to be a small problem. Ten press ups for example proved to be considerably challenging...(hope you don`t mind me saying that Justin?) :-)

But one year on he can blast out 100+ narrow hands position press ups without stopping. His strength and fitness has gone through the roof and he should be commended for his committment and attitude during the past 12 months. The results so far speak for themselves.

It just goes to show what can be possible if you are dedicated enough. Here`s what he has to say....


Friday 2 November 2012

Personal Trainer Bath

When you get ready to begin a serious exercise and fitness programme, you can do it alone or you can use a Bath personal trainer to help you achieve your goals.
Even those people who are very familiar with many of the latest exercise routines and have been going to the gym for years can benefit from the services of qualified fitness coaches.
These professionals have many tips and ideas that they can show you. Not only do they want their clients to succeed, these fitness gurus are committed to helping you achieve better fitness for your own health. With enthusiastic instructors and Bath personal training techniques, you will be able to ramp up your health and fitness programme to a totally new level.

This will cause your results to far exceed your expectations.

Working with your own personal trainer Bath is one of the best ways to get your own personal improvement plan into high gear. One of the best benefits of working with a good fitness coach is the fact that you can get expert advice from someone who is a qualified health professional. They can help you look at what your overall intentions are and then map out a realistic plan of how to get your goals accomplished.

They will outline the programme in simple to understand steps and allow a reasonable time frame for results. Many individuals who are working alone start out with fitness plans and programmes that are not going to work. Unfortunately, they may not realize this until after weeks or months of lots of effort and little rewards. When you have your own professional trainer, you will have someone with you from day one to keep you on track and motivated. There are so many different exercise and fitness routines available that it is hard for most people to determine which one will work best for them.

A number of people will just select exercise routines through trial and error. They will hope that something will eventually offer them some measure of success. A personal trainer in Bath can help you select the best programme for your age, fitness level, and overall goals. These trainers have the experience to tell you how all of the programmes work and what results you can expect. They can then help you select the programmes that will help you succeed.

Another benefit of having a good personal trainer helping you with your routines is being able to count on their expert knowledge and guidance.
If you are doing something incorrectly, they will help you correct the mistakes quickly. Trainers can also create unique and personalized routines for any of their clients. Still another great benefit of having a personal trainer is having someone who is trained and qualified to actually judge fitness abilities and skill levels. Too many people will assume that they can handle any diet or exercise routine.

They jump right into a plan and do not bother to take the proper time to really see if their body can tolerate these activities. This can cause muscle tears and strains and end up breaking down muscle tissue instead of building it up. A personal fitness trainer will be able to observe you and test you to discover what your level of ability really is.

They can then instruct you how to best begin your exercise programme. This will help you prevent exercise related injuries. Having a Bath personal trainer adds enjoyment and excitement to your exercise routine and this is an outstanding benefit. Too many times people give up a programme because of lack of motivation. They may even stop with a fitness programme or because it gives them no satisfaction.

Bath personal training fitness coaches will provide you with your own personal support back up to keep your excitement, satisfaction, and motivation at the very highest levels.

Wednesday 31 October 2012

Is Your Fitness Trainer in Bath like Micheal Phelps` Trainer?

Michael Phelps is considered by many to be one of the world`s greatest athletes and best swimmer ever.

So what is his secret?

Surely, Phelps is naturally gifted with a physique that was made for the water, but there is more to his success than a long torso, incredible wingspan, and hypermobile ankles.  Michael Phelps trains harder and longer than the average person could ever conceive.

In the video below, you will hear Phelps and his coach (Bob Bowman) talk about the hard work and dedication that has led to their success.  Michael Phelps doesn’t just show up and do what everyone else is doing in the pool.  Bowman has always pushed him to places that he would have never found on his own.  He literally trained day after day without any breaks for several consecutive years.

How bad did Michael Phelps want to succeed?  Pretty damn bad!

Monday 29 October 2012

Goal Setting for Fat Loss

So many people battle with ways to lose fat, but this doesn't have to be difficult. The single most important part of the process is setting goals. Setting short-term and long-term goals may increase your odds of success. Not only will setting goals keep you on the right track, but it also provides an end point to your programme.

A goal is defined as a "written, specific, personally meaningful, and challenging statement of intent, which has a measurable outcome and a completion date". Your goals must give a distinct target or end-point to work towards that must also be easy to measure and specific. Without these you'll never know if you have achieved the goal. You can't just say lose weight or gain energy.

Make the target very clear and specific. Sit down for 15 minutes and work through 3 short-term and three long-term goals' minimum, but don't be afraid to do more. You must also be honest and realistic with a self-evaluation of your strengths and weaknesses so that you can set appropriate and challenging goals.

Also, you must be honest with your process as you move towards a goal. If the goal is too hard or too easy, you can adjust it. If it is easily accomplished, reset for a higher standard. It is okay to adjust the goal based on your feedback and learning. By having a deadline or time-line for your goal, you are able to examine your progress and re-visit the feasibility of the goal.

COMMIT your goals to paper

REVIEW YOUR GOALS on a regular basis, Make your list of goals accessible, so that you can review it regularly. Frequent reminders will help keep you on track.

BE SPECIFIC set the goal to exactly what you want to achieve.

BE REALISTIC begin by setting small, attainable goals in order that they will propel you into future success. For example, set a simple goal that you will avoid excess food at a party this weekend. Set another goal as simple as having a great workout tomorrow.

FOCUS ON THE SHORT-TERM GOALS as short-term changes in behaviour will help you reach long-term goals. Set small goals to get the ball rolling, and success will breed success.

AS YOU ACHIEVE YOUR GOAL return to your list and update the entire set of goals.
At this time, I want you to pledge your full commitment to the programme. To be successful, you must dedicate yourself to the following goals:

List 3 short-term goals:
1. __________________
2. __________________
3. __________________

List 3 long-term goals:
1. __________________
2. __________________
3. __________________

Also plan your training workouts so that you get it done in less than 45 minutes. Your body's metabolism will be so revved up that you will still be burning tons of fat and calories all day long. Once you understand that everything you do each day takes you either closer to or farther from your goals, then and only then will you be on the fast track to success.

Good Luck!

Thursday 21 June 2012

Reduce Cardio For Better Fat Loss | PERSONAL TRAINER IN BATH

Did you know that less cardio may give you better results from your workouts? As a personal trainer in Bath, I`ve observed that for years we’ve become so accustomed to the mantra of cardio for health and weight loss, that many people have forgotten that there are other, better ways of working out.

The recommendations from doctors and health experts are that we should aim for an hour of moderate intensity exercise each day – this includes activities such as brisk walking, dancing, or gardening. For children it might also include sports and clubs that involve exercise.

However, there is an alternative prescription. Vigorous exercise – that is, exercise performed at higher intensities – has a greater effect on the body, and thus requires less time each day to have the same effect. So, for example, twenty minutes a day of interval exercises may provide the same level of benefits as much longer workouts done at a more moderate intensity.

The Journal of Physiology reports the findings of a new study that found that twenty minute high-intensity interval training provided the same benefits as longer, endurance style exercise sessions.
In the study, men performed interval training on a stationary bike for twenty minutes – the sessions involved alternating pedalling at the highest intensity they could for a minute, then pedalling more slowly to rest for a minute, throughout the 20-minute session.

The researchers reported that the participants received the same benefits as they would have had they exercised at a lower intensity for an hour or more, suggesting that this type of interval training offers an alternative to endurance training as a way to improve metabolic health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

This supports other research that has demonstrated that high intensity training is not only a highly effective way to improve your cardiovascular fitness, it is also the best way to boost your body’s fat-burning capabilities.

High intensity training (HIT) is so effective because of the effects it has on your metabolism. Not only do you burn calories during the workout, you also give your metabolism (the rate at which you burn calories) a kick start, meaning that your body begins to burn more calories 24-hours a day, seven days a week.

The most effective forms of HIT are interval training, and high intensity weight training. Both of these boost your metabolic rate, encourage fat burning, and stimulate the body’s production of growth hormone. Personal trainers in Bath, Aim BodyFitness incorporate this kind of training into all their fat loss programmes for optimum results and enhanced exercise performance.