Wednesday 31 October 2012

Is Your Fitness Trainer in Bath like Micheal Phelps` Trainer?

Michael Phelps is considered by many to be one of the world`s greatest athletes and best swimmer ever.

So what is his secret?

Surely, Phelps is naturally gifted with a physique that was made for the water, but there is more to his success than a long torso, incredible wingspan, and hypermobile ankles.  Michael Phelps trains harder and longer than the average person could ever conceive.

In the video below, you will hear Phelps and his coach (Bob Bowman) talk about the hard work and dedication that has led to their success.  Michael Phelps doesn’t just show up and do what everyone else is doing in the pool.  Bowman has always pushed him to places that he would have never found on his own.  He literally trained day after day without any breaks for several consecutive years.

How bad did Michael Phelps want to succeed?  Pretty damn bad!

Monday 29 October 2012

Goal Setting for Fat Loss

So many people battle with ways to lose fat, but this doesn't have to be difficult. The single most important part of the process is setting goals. Setting short-term and long-term goals may increase your odds of success. Not only will setting goals keep you on the right track, but it also provides an end point to your programme.

A goal is defined as a "written, specific, personally meaningful, and challenging statement of intent, which has a measurable outcome and a completion date". Your goals must give a distinct target or end-point to work towards that must also be easy to measure and specific. Without these you'll never know if you have achieved the goal. You can't just say lose weight or gain energy.

Make the target very clear and specific. Sit down for 15 minutes and work through 3 short-term and three long-term goals' minimum, but don't be afraid to do more. You must also be honest and realistic with a self-evaluation of your strengths and weaknesses so that you can set appropriate and challenging goals.

Also, you must be honest with your process as you move towards a goal. If the goal is too hard or too easy, you can adjust it. If it is easily accomplished, reset for a higher standard. It is okay to adjust the goal based on your feedback and learning. By having a deadline or time-line for your goal, you are able to examine your progress and re-visit the feasibility of the goal.

COMMIT your goals to paper

REVIEW YOUR GOALS on a regular basis, Make your list of goals accessible, so that you can review it regularly. Frequent reminders will help keep you on track.

BE SPECIFIC set the goal to exactly what you want to achieve.

BE REALISTIC begin by setting small, attainable goals in order that they will propel you into future success. For example, set a simple goal that you will avoid excess food at a party this weekend. Set another goal as simple as having a great workout tomorrow.

FOCUS ON THE SHORT-TERM GOALS as short-term changes in behaviour will help you reach long-term goals. Set small goals to get the ball rolling, and success will breed success.

AS YOU ACHIEVE YOUR GOAL return to your list and update the entire set of goals.
At this time, I want you to pledge your full commitment to the programme. To be successful, you must dedicate yourself to the following goals:

List 3 short-term goals:
1. __________________
2. __________________
3. __________________

List 3 long-term goals:
1. __________________
2. __________________
3. __________________

Also plan your training workouts so that you get it done in less than 45 minutes. Your body's metabolism will be so revved up that you will still be burning tons of fat and calories all day long. Once you understand that everything you do each day takes you either closer to or farther from your goals, then and only then will you be on the fast track to success.

Good Luck!