Thursday 3 November 2011

Beetroot - Can this wonder food promote good health in Bath?

Want to boost your stamina or lower your blood pressure? Try some beetroot.

When you were a child, your mother probably had to force-feed you beetroot at dinner. While this dark purple-red vegetable may have a strong flavour that didn't agree with your young taste buds, your mum was on to something. That's because beetroot has been found to have significant health benefits.
Whether you're an endurance athlete; are well over the hill; or if you suffer from respiratory, cardiovascular, or metabolic diseases, beetroot should be of special interest to you. What is it about beetroot that gives it such powerful qualities and how much do you need to consume to get its benefits? Your answers await!
Endurance Enhancement
Beetroot juice contains many essential vitamins and minerals, including potassium, folate, and vitamin C. Often mixed with other juices such as carrot, lemon, or apple to improve its taste, beetroot juice has an uncommonly high nitrate content. Thanks to that nitrate content, beetroot has some serious perks for those who drink it down. Scientists suspect that nitric oxide, the byproduct of nitrate, gives you the ability to exercise with less oxygen and gives you more energy than usual. This is possible because you can exercise for longer periods of time when less oxygen is burned by your muscles during exercise. Green leafy foods such as spinach and lettuce, as well as cabbage and radishes, are also rich in nitrates, but beetroot may be one source you've not tapped into yet. In the past few years, research has shown that juice from the beetroot has the power to increase your stamina, allowing you to exercise up to 16 percent longer than your normal limit. Yes, 16 percent. Starting to thirst for some beetroot juice yet? Then keep reading.
Drinking beetroot juice a few hours before training seems to give athletes a boost in their performance that can't be achieved through additional training. Studies have shown that individuals who drink two cups of beetroot juice daily for a week improve on their race times by one to two percent for a set distance.
While this may seem like a small amount to some, this is very significant for elite athletes for whom every second counts. Not a world-class athlete? Don't leave beetroot juice on the shelf. It may be just what your body needs to make exercising more tolerable or even enjoyable.
Reduce Blood Pressure
If you're looking for a natural, home remedy to lower your blood pressure, look no further than our good friend, beetroot. Because on top of enhancing your athletic performance, the nitrate found in beetroot juice has been found to lower your blood pressure, cutting your risk for stroke or heart attack.
A recent study found that drinking two cups of beetroot juice a day keeps your blood pressure in check for up to 24 hours. While this study was small and did not take place over a long period of time, the results are fascinating and warrant additional research into the relationship between beetroot juice and cardiovascular diseases.
More than Root
If you want to amp up your workout routine or lower your blood pressure, beetroot juice can't be the only weapon in your arsenal. To achieve these goals or overall health, you'll need to go with a healthy, varied diet full of fruits and vegetables, and exercise on a regular basis. Otherwise, all the beetroot juice in the world won't be enough to give you good health.
No Mas, Por Favor.
Beetroot juice is a great addition to your diet. Just be careful. Drinking too much of it can lead to purple urine, abdominal cramps, or diarrhea.

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