Tuesday 25 October 2011

Top 7 Weight Loss Mistakes Revealed - Lose Weight in Bath

Seven Mistakes People Make When Trying to Lose Fat

1. They fail to consider the consequences of their actions.

Alwyn Cosgrove (one of the top trainers in the business) once said, "I get my clients to think, "Will this help me or not? Is this a positive step or not?" If you can see every action that you take is either helping you lose fat or stopping you from losing fat, then you will start to make better choices. So remember that everything you put in your mouth is either for or against fat loss. And every exercise choice you make is either for or against fat loss. "Get that", Alwyn says, "and you’re a hit."

2. They neglect to control their insulin and blood sugar levels - 2 key factors in determining whether or not the body fat will come off.
If you eat processed foods you are guaranteed to elevate your insulin & blood sugar levels. If you do that, your body sends the message, “Store fat!”, and you won’t make any progress. So avoid white-flour based bakery products, sugary drinks, and almost any carbohydrate snack that comes in a bag or a box.

3. They train like it’s the 80’s.

Yes, I know. Eighties music is popular again. But that doesn’t mean ineffective training methods from the 80’s like light weights, low intensity steady state cardio, and endless low-intensity ab work should also make a comeback. That type of training should stay buried in the back issues of cheesy muscle magazines. Stick to strength training and interval training for efficient and effective body changing routines.

4. They don’t take 30 minutes to plan their next day’s food intake.

If you fail to do this, you will set your fat loss efforts back by a minimum of 72 hours. Without a good meal plan, you are left to hunt and gather food in the modern world. And that’s a recipe for fat loss disaster. You are bound to eat something processed if you aren’t prepared. You will lose the fat burning benefits from yesterday’s workout and it will take until the end of the following day to get back on track. An entire 72-hour period wasted.

5. They don’t eat enough vegetables.

It`s now pretty much common knowledge that you should eat fibrous vegetables at every meal to assist your fat loss efforts. By doing so, you’ll control your blood sugar and insulin - thus supporting the optimal hormonal situation for fat loss.

6. They screw up their hormones with poor lifestyle choices.

If you are out boozing and staying up late on the weekend, you are shutting down your fat loss and messing up the optimal hormonal environment for fat burning. I will talk a lot more about the optimal hormonal levels for fat loss, as I believe this is the underrated key to building your best body ever.

7. They don’t plan and monitor their training sessions.

If you are still going to the gym without a plan, then you are going to have a hard time losing fat. And if you aren’t recording your workouts and eating habits, then you aren’t losing as much fat as you probably can. To fix this mistake, start by getting on track with strength training and interval training. It’s guaranteed to get you lean.

Try a programme you can do anywhere to get you burning fat straight away....and it could be cheaper than your gym membership! >>Go Here<<

4 tricks to DOUBLE fatburning overnight

Are you interested in burning fat EVERY minute of every day?

If so, you're gonna want to check this out right now:

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My good friends and fat loss experts Joel Marion and Craig
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You'll learn four simple strategies that you can use to begin
burning fat around the clock, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Get it here:

==> How to burn fat EVERY minute of every day



Friday 14 October 2011

Welcome To The Blog of Steve Joynson, Bath Personal Trainer and Bath Weight loss Expert

Hi there and a big welcome to my Bath Personal Training Blog.

I am Steve Joynson, Bath Personal Trainer and an expert at Weight Loss in Bath. Please ensure you check out all the recent blog posts in the coming months on the right of the page which will cover Bath Fat Loss, How to Lose Weight in Bath, Bath Fitness and Nutrition. Please feel free to browse my other websites, Bath Personal Trainer and Online Personal Training to see if I may be of help and service to you.

To subscribe to my twice monthly newsletter, latest offers and receive your FREE report on 5 Must Know AB Exercises to get that tummy you`ve always wanted, please just drop your email address into the box at the top of the right hand side and gain immediate access. Don`t worry, I detest spam as much as you do so will never share your details with anyone.

Have a great day and I hope you enjoy my Fitness in Bath blog.

Committed to your good health,

Steve Joynson

Personal Trainer in Bath

Aftershock Training - Superior Fitness Workouts for Losing Weight in Bath

Aftershock Training- Superior Fitness Workouts for Weight Loss now in Bristol. :-)

You will now be able to read all your Aim BodyFitness Newsletter articles on the Fitness Bath blog. This is in addition to all the free content that`s coming your way from the online monthly magazine you can access in the right hand column. Plus there will be plenty of workout routines for weight/fat loss posted up on here as a gesture for you to keep coming back to read my stuff. :-)

I`ll be posting fat loss tips most days so be sure to bookmark this site for all things fitness and nutrition. I look forward to providing you all with some great info over the coming months.....

P.s Don`t forget to pop your email address into the box on the top right, and also in my magazine to gain more valuable FREE content. My gift to you!!!

5 Foods You Must Avoid - Lose Weight in Bath

Buying local, fresh foods from Farmers' markets, organic farms, or from your local grocer can go a long way for your budget and your health. However, not everyone can benefit or wants to shop healthy. Here are the top five foods to avoid or minimize in your diet for a longer, healthier life and a leaner waistline, followed by the top five foods that will give you amazing health benefits.
Food #1 Low-fat Foods

Food labeling can be very deceptive when it comes to food geared for weight loss. Low-fat foods are one of the products to be careful about.  Just because the food says "low fat," does not mean the food is low calorie.  Be sure to check the label and see how many calories are typically in the product.  Most people associate low-fat foods with lower calories, so they tend to eat more. Do not be fooled by this deceptive labeling technique.
Food #2 Sugar-Free Foods
Sugar-free foods are geared to people with diabetes or at risk for developing diabetes. Sugar-free foods have low calories and no sugar. 
However, look at the label under sugars, and you will see something interesting. Sugar-free foods tend to have sugar alcohols, which is an ingredient designed to give it sweetness. Most of the time, sugar alcohol is made from sugar products, which can lead to increased calories. Sugar alcohols carry between 1.5 and 4 calories per gram. Not only do you get extra calories, but you also can get cramping, bloating, and other gastrointestinal problems if you ingest too much. 
Food #3  Commercial Smoothies

Normally, smoothies are associated with healthy eating. They have skimmed milk, fruit, and yoghurt, so they are considered a great, healthy food.  Some commercial smoothies, however, have many hidden calories from extra sugar.  Some smoothies are also made with ice cream, so you end up ballooning sugar, fat, and calorie content. Most of the time, the fruit in smoothies is blended up into fruit juice, or fruit juice is added.   This eliminates the fibre that is found in the skin of most fruits. My advice:  Make your smoothies at home, and leave the commercial smoothies on the shelf.
Food #4 Commercial Yoghurts

Yoghurt, again, has been considered a natural health product containing calcium, probiotics, and other products that have been shown to be beneficial to our health.  Look at the label again, and you might see something surprising.  When looking at the label, some of the first few ingredients in yoghurt are different forms of sugar. All this extra sugar can lead to weight gain and stubborn, hard-to-lose body fat. So again, read the label and see exactly what is in the product before you choose the yoghurt of choice.
Food #5 Sugary energy drinks including items with added vitamins and minerals
Energy drinks have been advertised as giving you that extra pick-me-up during the day, and a way to increase the intensity of your workouts.  Energy drinks can contain high amounts of caffeine and sugar, which gives you that initial pick-me-up, but you end up crashing hard later. Also, some drinks that have added vitamins and minerals, can have loads of sugar as well. So stop and think before you drink and choose something lower in calories and sugar, maybe something like coffee or tea.

Next, I am going to share with you 5 foods that are beneficial to your health, and you might not even know it.

Food #1 Swiss Chard

Aging can create many different problems for people. Wrinkles, lack of balance, and our eyesight can worsen, and are just some of the different things that happen with the aging process.  Swiss chard is considered a super food because of some of the amazing caroteniods that can be found in this leafy green vegetable.  Swiss chard contains high levels of lutein and zeaxanthin that have been shown to help with good eyesight. These two caroteniods have been shown to build up in the eyes, which help with the way light rays enter our eyes and are absorbed.

Food #2 Pepper, Especially Capsaicin

So most of you are probably asking why pepper is on the list. Pepper is a zero-calories food that can add a lot of flavor to your foods.  Not only does it pack a great punch to your foods, but capsaicin has been shown to have tremendous anti-inflammatory properties. It has also been shown to be helpful in fighting some cancers because of its anti-cancer effects.

Food #3 Wheatgrass

There are plenty of juices out there that contain Wheatgrass which is chock full of vitamins and minerals that will keep you healthy. Loaded with Vitamins, B, C, and E, this food can help to clean out your system and fight infections. Not only does this food contain essential vitamins and minerals, but it also is a complete protein. This food is full of the essential amino acids that our bodies require for building muscle. The high concentration of vitamins helps protect the body from stress that our bodies are under daily.

Food #4 Tahini

Tahini is now found in most grocery stores as an excellent source of all the B vitamins as well as calcium. B vitamins are essential in development of healthy cells in the body, especially red blood cells. B vitamins can also help in raising metabolism, and help our immune system become stronger.  Tahini also holds a surprising amount of calcium, zinc, and copper. The high levels of calcium can help keep bones strong and healthy, and might be responsible in fighting some cancers. Tahini also holds an abundance of fibre, specifically sesamin and sesomolin, which can have positive effects in lowering cholesterol.

Food #5 Avocado

This amazing fruit helps reduce inflammation through some of the carotenoids found in the green, fleshy part of the avocado. This vegetable also has a tremendous amount of fat, but the good fats that are beneficial to the body. The main source of fat is Oliec acid, which helps with fat absorption and also helps to lower the risk for developing heart disease. Avocados also have phytosterols, which keep inflammation in the body under control.

Why do I need a personal trainer?- Personal Trainer in Bath

Wondering if a personal trainer is for you? Wonder no more.

You've been in the gym for days, weeks, months, or years, and for some reason, you've never sought the assistance of a professional trainer. Now you're wondering if you've made a mistake. Should you have enlisted the help of a pro a long time ago? Maybe.

Here are a few reasons to get a professional trainer on your side.

You Want to Get Fit (Safely)

Anybody can walk into a gym and start slinging weights around or sprinting on a treadmill. However, doing any kind of exercise without having someone to tell you if you're doing it properly or not can put you at risk for all sorts of injuries. On top of the potential for getting hurt, using improper form also reduces your likelihood of getting the full benefit of the exercise you're performing.

Instead of letting your poor form keep you from getting healthier, get a personal trainer. He or she will know the ins and outs of good form and will correct you when an arm, leg, or your torso isn't in the right place. Eventually, having this professional by your side will instill good form that you can maintain even when you're worn out at the end of a workout.

You Need Motivation

Getting to the gym isn't always as easy as you wish it would be. After all, you've got a busy enough life without having to squeeze exercise in there. Hence why it's a good idea to have a friend or family member join you for exercise. That way, when one of you isn't up to hitting the gym, the other will be there to make sure you both workout that day.
But what if your exercise partner could be someone with specialized training in exercise? And what if this exercise partner helped you keep track of your progress, so you could use small improvements to keep yourself motivated? That's the power of a professional personal trainer.

You've been at It a While

If you've been hitting the gym hard and heavy for a while but have stopped seeing improvements, making a few tweaks to your routine can reap big dividends. The problem is that it's not always easy to figure out what tweaks you should make. Enter stage left: your professional trainer.

With years of studying, training, and experience, a professional trainer should be able to watch your workout and figure out where you can make changes. A good trainer can also monitor the changes made in your routine to make sure they're having the desired result. Over time, your trainer will offer even more suggestions to ensure your routine never causes your good health to become stagnant.

You Realize Exercise Isn't Enough

While a personal trainer's main focus is exercise, a true professional trainer realizes that good health depends on more than just working out. When seeking a trainer who fits your needs, look for one who also understands how what you eat affects your performance in the gym and overall good health. This way, you can get eating tips before, during, and after your exercise routine to make sure you are living a lifestyle that complements what you're doing in the gym a few times each week.

By having a fuller view of what it means to obtain and maintain good health, you're more likely to get and stay healthy for the long run. So you'll not only look better than you ever have. You'll also feel better as well.

Starting with Stretches - Fitness Flexibility in Bath

Want to start your day off right? A stretch routine first thing in the morning is a great way to wake up your muscles and get your blood flowing.
While you may want to hit that snooze button over and over, a better way to start your day is with a few early morning stretches. Besides feeling good physically, stretching is mentally and physiologically beneficial as well. It improves your flexibility, circulation, coordination and balance, posture, and your mood.
With just 10 minutes of stretching added into your morning routine, you'll be prepared to face the day. Here are a few easy stretches to get you going.
Breathe Deeply
The simplest stretch to get started with is deep breathing. Sit up straight in a chair or even on the side of your bed. Rest your hands on your stomach and breathe in deeply. Exhale normally and notice the movement of your stomach. Repeat this exercise a few times, all the while breathing evenly, and progress slowly up to 12 repetitions.
Loosen Your Neck
Still sitting (or standing if you'd rather), keep your neck straight and move your head slowly forward as far as you can. Then slowly lean your head backward as far as you can. Repeat this movement a few times. Then smoothly and slowly roll your head in a circular motion. This will loosen up your neck muscles.

Relax Your Shoulders
Moving down your body, it's time to stretch your shoulders. After sleeping on your side, they may be especially tense. While sitting or standing in a balanced position, slowly and steadily lift your shoulders upward toward your ears, and lower them smoothly. Repeat several times. For another shoulder stretch, place your hands on your shoulders, move your elbows close together, and rotate your arms in a circle.
Stretch Your Sides
To stretch your side muscles, stand straight with your arms by your sides. Place your right hand behind your head and point your elbow out to your side. Bend your waist to the left, keeping your left arm straight, and reach down toward the floor. Hold this position for a couple seconds then stand up straight again. Repeat this stretch a few times and switch sides.
Loosen that Lower Back
This stretch will loosen your lower back and buttocks muscle. Lie on your back and bend your knees. Rest the ankle of your left leg on your right knee. Hold your right thigh and pull your leg toward your chest. You will feel a definite stretch. Hold this for a few seconds then relax. Repeat and hold for another 15–20 seconds. Switch legs and repeat.

Stretch Your Hamstring
Another important muscle to stretch is your hamstring, which runs from your buttocks down to below your knee. While lying on the floor, take hold of the back of one thigh and pull your leg to a 90-degree position, keeping your leg as straight as possible. Hold for 20 seconds, slowly lower your leg back to the floor, switch legs, and repeat.
Help Your Hips
One last helpful stretch to get you going in the morning is the seated knee raise, also known as seated marching. When done right, it improves your hip stability and your range of motion. Sit up straight in a chair and lift and lower one knee at a time as if you are marching. Lift both legs at least 10 times.
One Size Does Not Fit All.
Not only are stretches important before you exercise, they are also beneficial to start your day off right. However, you shouldn't expect your stretch to look identical to someone else performing the same stretch. Adjust your stretches to meet your needs according to your age and level of fitness. If you've had injuries in the past, take precaution and check with your doctor before beginning any new routines.

Not enough time for exercise? Rubbish!! - Get Fit in Bath

Is your schedule so full that it's hard to find time to work out? Here are six times to squeeze in some exercise.
You know exercise is vital to your health and well-being, and you've tried to fit it in. So why is it so difficult to make regular exercise a priority in your schedule? It probably has something to do with life. From work to kids to meals to errands to chores to sleep, fitting in anything else is virtually impossible.
But no matter how busy your life may be, you can find time to add more activity - if you're willing. Though a minimum of 30-minute increments of exercise are recommended, as little as 10 minutes can still make a difference. Squeeze in 10 minutes a day every day, and you'll rack up 300 minutes or five hours a month. How do you do it?
Fitting in Fitness at Home
Vacuuming, mopping, and scrubbing the bathroom. Like it or not, you probably spend time each week doing household chores. What great ways to be active! Instead of getting it over with as soon as possible, turn on your favorite dance tunes and work at a pace fast enough to get your heart rate up. Even while folding the laundry or making dinner you can stand on your tiptoes or do squats. And don't forget outdoor chores such as mowing the lawn, raking leaves, and gardening. These are excellent ways to burn extra calories all while doing normal activities around the house.

Lunch Break = Exercise Break
Tired of staring at the computer screen all day or dealing with cranky clients? Take a quick walk outside during lunch or other break times. If you'd like company, find a coworker to join you. Even better, if there is a gym near your workplace, use lunchtime to get in a quick workout. You'll return to work feeling energized to finish the day, unlike your coworkers who are ready to go to sleep.

Parking Lots and Elevators
Do you find yourself circling the parking lot to find the closest spot or standing in line waiting for a slow elevator? Turn these moments into exercise opportunities. Why not take the farthest parking spot and walking the distance to the door? You may actually end up saving time by walking instead of searching for a closer space. It's also a good idea to skip the elevator and use the stairs. You'll burn a few calories and don't have to worry about someone sneezing on you on the way up.
Get off the Couch
After a long day at work, relaxing on the couch and watching television or talking on the phone catching up with a friend is rather appealing. While it's fine to rest after a busy day, don't forget to take advantage of these exercise opportunities. Grab a couple canned goods out of the cabinet to use as hand weights. Sit on a stationary bike and pedal away while you watch your favorite sitcom or talk on the phone. Get on the floor and do some leg lifts, push-ups, sit- ups, stretches, or yoga positions. Also, get rid of the remote control. It'll force you to get off the couch to change the channel or better yet - it will make you want to turn off the television and get active.

Include the Kids
If you have children, you may find your time divided between taking care of kids and taking care of yourself. Why not do both at the same time? Involve your whole family in exercise. Get out and take a walk or ride bikes together after dinner. Instead of a family movie night, plan a trip to the zoo or go hiking in the mountains. Play a game of kickball or soccer together at a park. If possible, walk with your kids to school in the morning. Another fun activity is to take a fitness class along with your children. You may even want to join in their karate or tennis classes. Many gyms now offer "mommy and me" swim or exercise classes for mothers with new babies, so take advantage of them.
Be Social
The final way to add activity into your busy schedule is to include exercise in your social life. Join a dance club with a friend sign up for a softball team through the local recreation department. Not only is being part of a team a great way to stay committed and motivated to exercise, it is also a great way to have fun with friends.
Start Slow.
These five exercises are the most popular workouts for developing your lat muscles. As usual, if you've had previous back injuries or pain, be sure to check with your doctor before beginning an exercise program. And to prevent injury and strain, start slowly and work your way up.

Want to boost your lats?- Weight Training in Bath

Here are five of the best exercises to work the largest muscles in your back. 
Your latissimus dorsi, commonly known as lats, are broad, fan-shaped muscles in your middle to lower back that connect to all the other back muscles. While you may not give them much thought, your lats work to rotate and move your arms and shoulders. They also play an important part in your overall weight and resistance training and add width to your body that give your physique the unique "V" shape that shows you mean business.

Want to turn your body into a V-shaped beacon of musculature? Try out this handful of exercises.
Old-Fashioned Pull-Ups
You can use all sorts of machines to pump up your lats, but pull-ups are actually the best possible workout for your lats - as long as you do them the right way. To do a pull-up correctly, use your widest overhand grip. For a front pull-up, pull up until the bar touches the top of your chest and then let yourself all the way down. Don't jerk or swing your legs at any point in the motion, as this will subtract from your lats workout. Instead, make the entire motion in a controlled, fluid motion. For the best lats routine, start and end your back exercise routine with pull-ups.
Lat Pull Down
The second best workout for lats is the lat pull down, and there is a machine made just for it. So take a walk around your gym until you find the lat pull and have a seat. Whereas pull-ups require you to pull your weight upwards, the lat pull requires you to pull weight towards yourself. When doing so, use a wide overhand grip to grow your lats outward, or keep your hands close together and palms facing you to increases the thickness of your lats.
Seated Cable Row
The seated cable row machine includes a bench, footrests, and a cable. Sit down and pull the cable toward your body while sitting upright on the bench with your knees slightly bent. When you pull the weight, make sure you pull towards your lower stomach, and return the handle slowly, keeping your back straight the entire time. This motion works your middle back lat muscles as well as your arms.
Bent over Barbell Row
The bent over barbell row is another great workout for developing your back strength and thickness, as it works your lats and the rest of your back. To do the bent over barbell row, your legs must be slightly bent, your back should stay straight, and you ought to lean forward until you are almost parallel to the floor. Once in this position, pull the barbell up toward you until it touches your stomach. Pull the bar toward your mid to low stomach to develop your lower lats. Pull it toward the top of your stomach or chest, and you'll work your upper lats.
Bent over Dumbbell Row
While it may sound similar to the bent over barbell row, the bent over dumbbell row is a very different exercise. Whereas the bent over barbell row works your entire back, bent over dumbbell rows hone in on your lats. To do this exercise, place one knee on the bench and lean over, resting your hand on the bench. Stand on your opposite leg and hold the dumbbell with that arm. Lift the dumbbell off the floor and raise it up, pulling it close to your body at your chest or shoulder level. Lower the dumbbell slowly and repeat. Continue with the other side of your body. Try not to let your shoulders or arms do the work, and avoid performing barbell rows in the same workout as dumbbell rows.
Start Slow.
These five exercises are the most popular workouts for developing your lat muscles. As usual, if you've had previous back injuries or pain, be sure to check with your doctor before beginning an exercise program. And to prevent injury and strain, start slowly and work your way up.

Saving empty calories - Festive Drinks and Lose Weight in Bath

Mixed Drinks Get Skinny
Turning your fat-filled mixed drinks into something on the thin side.
If you're trying to lose weight or are just trying to maintain a healthy weight, you already know that desserts, fast food, and other high-calorie foods should be avoided. But while you may worry about what food you eat, don't forget that many drinks, including mixed alcoholic beverages, contain a high amount of fat.

So if you're looking forward to enjoying a cocktail on your next girl's night out - or you aren't afraid of your feminine side, you'll need to be careful about how many calories you swallow with your mixed drinks. The good news is that low-calorie mixed drinks are available.

Best Bet
So what are the low-calorie options when it comes to mixed drinks? First of all, choose cocktails mixed with club soda, fruit or vegetable juices, water, coffee, tea, sugar-free syrups, or artificial sweeteners. Avoid drinks with high liquor content - especially sweet liquors, since an ounce of the sweet stuff contains as many as 125 calories. Cocktails mixed with more than one liquor are also bad news. Don't believe it?
Consider this. The Long Island iced tea cocktail is made with several mixers and contains 780 calories per drink. In case you've forgotten, you probably only need 2,000 calories per day. Drink one Long Island iced tea, and you've killed more than one-third of your daily calorie allotment. And if you're really keeping score, a McDonald's Big Mac has a meager 540 calories by comparison! Seeking a better option? Go with a Bloody Mary, a Manhattan, or a highball, any of which contains around 150 calories per serving. Or try a flavored liquor on the rocks. These contain the added flavors you enjoy without the calories of added sweeteners.

More Than Just Calories
Unfortunately, when it comes to alcohol, it's not just the calories you have to consider. When you drink alcohol, it reaches your liver and is changed to acetate, a molecule that protects you from alcohol poisoning. Wonderful as this is, your body burns acetate before it burns fat. So every sip you take of alcohol causes your metabolism to stop burning fight and start burning acetate. How much can your metabolism slow down when you're drinking? Up to 73 percent. As you may suspect, this can dramatically increase the amount of fat in your body.
Besides the number of calories in mixed drinks, it is also important to remember that cocktails, like any alcoholic beverage, will lower your inhibitions, causing you to drink or eat more. In the end, these high-calorie drinks can put you in a mood for equally high-calorie foods.
Big, Fat Numbers
Not interested in turning your fattening and favorite alcoholic drink into something a little bit lighter? Then you can prepare to deal with a lot of extra calories. How many? Look below to see how many calories are in some of your favorite drinks.
                Bloody Mary (5 ounces): 118
                Chocolate Martini: (2 ounces each of vodka, chocolate liqueur, and cream; 1/2 ounces crème de cacao and chocolate syrup): 438
                Cosmopolitan (4 ounces): 200
                Eggnog with Rum (8 ounces): 370
                Gin and Tonic (7 ounces): 200
                Green Apple Martini (1 ounce each of vodka, sour apple, and apple juice): 148
                Hot Buttered Rum (8 ounces): 292
                Hot Chocolate with Peppermint Schnapps (8 ounces): 380
                Long Island Iced Tea (8 ounces): 780
                Mai Tai (6 ounces) (1.5 ounces rum, 1/2 ounces cream de along, 1/2 ounces triple sec, sour mix, pineapple juice): 350
                Margarita (8 ounces): 280
                Martini (2.5 ounces): 160
                Mimosa (4 ounces): 75
                Mojito (8 ounces): 214
                Mulled Wine (5 ounces): 200
                Pina Colada (6 ounces): 378
                Rum and Cola (8 ounces): 185
                Screwdriver (8 ounces): 190
                Skinny Girl Margarita (4 ounces): 100
                Spiced Cider with Rum (8 ounces): 150
                Vodka and Tonic (8 ounces): 200
                White Russian (2 ounces vodka, 1.5 ounces coffee liqueur, and 1.5 ounces cream): 425

Exercising in Bath and Blood Pressure

Exercising under Pressure
Tips to keep you safe while exercising with high blood pressure.
Consisting of two numbers, your blood pressure is a measure of how hard your blood pushes against your arteries when your heart is beating (this is the top number, systolic blood pressure) and when it is resting (the bottom number, or diastolic blood pressure). Ideally, your blood pressure should not exceed 120/80 millimeters of mercury while resting. If you live with high blood pressure, you may fear exercise, as lifting weights, running, swimming, and other activities can temporarily raise your blood pressure. However, having high blood pressure isn't a license to stay out of the gym.
Here's what you should know to exercise safely, even if your blood pressure isn't in tip-top shape.

Start Easy
Afraid of pushing yourself too hard too fast? There's nothing wrong with a little caution - especially if you're planning to exercise with a pre-existing condition, such as high blood pressure. Instead of going full force at the gym and then running three miles to get home, start out with a short walk, a light jog, or a gentle workout in the gym.
As you begin to know how your body responds to exercise, you can push yourself a little harder and longer. Just be careful. Unless you take other active steps to keep your blood pressure in check, you could suffer a sudden spike in blood pressure that could be extremely dangerous.

Don't Stress
To get the maximum benefits of exercise, you'll need to stress your body. However, you should be careful to avoid exercises that put sudden and intense exertion if you have high blood pressure. Some of these exercises include heavy weight lifting, push-ups, pull-ups, and even strenuous digging in your yard.
Already in pretty good shape? Been exercising a while in an effort to improve your high blood pressure? Your body should be prepared to withstand the added stress of intense exercises. But before launching into these strenuous and demanding exercises, speak with your physician or an exercise professional to ensure your safety.

Make It Routine
Want to put yourself at risk for dangerous surges in blood pressure at the gym? Then only go every once in a while, and work out as hard as you can. Prefer to keep your blood pressure in check and help it improve? Then you'll need to get to the gym at least three times a week for 30 minutes at a time.
Have lots of life to take care of and feel the urge to skip out on your workout here and there? Fight the temptation! With each visit to your local gym, you burn off calories and help your heart beat better. And when your heart is working as it should, your heart requires less effort to push blood throughout your body. Ultimately, this leads to something you'd love to achieve: lowered blood pressure!

Side Order of Healthy
Determined to get your blood pressure under control? If you've dedicated yourself to regular exercise, you've already taken a giant leap toward your good health. But you can't just stop with working out. You'll need to make some changes with what you put in your mouth on a daily basis.
Enjoy piling salt on your foods every chance you get? You're going to have to put an end to that. Instead of salt-ridden potted meats and French fries, add in more fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet. You'll also want to go with water more often than any other beverage, add some fiber to your plate, and if you've got to eat canned fruits, get the ones that are packaged in their own natural juice.

Firmer Forearms- Weight Training in Bath

Essential exercises that will get you on your way to forearms of steel.

Every time you wear a short-sleeve shirt, you show them off. And when you shake hands, open a door, or carry a box, you rely on their strength. So shouldn't you make sure your forearms are strong as can be, ready to take on any task you throw their way?
Yes, you should. And with these exercises, you can give your forearms a little boost to get firmer, stronger, and more able to help you do those things that come your way each and every day.
Hang and Shake: Hang from a chin-up bar with both hands. After a few seconds, release your right hand from the bar and hang using only your left hand. During this time, shake your right hand to prepare the right forearm to get back to work. Return your right hand to the bar and release your left hand. Shake out your left arm for a few seconds and return it to the bar. Repeat as many times as you can.
Palms Up Wrist Curl: Holding a barbell securely with both hands, get on your knees beside a weight bench and rest the back of your forearms on the bench, allowing your wrist and hands to hang over the edge of the bench with your hands facing the ceiling. With your hands approximately 16 inches from one another, lower the bar as far as possible and then raise it as high as possible, relying on your wrists for the movement. Repeat 10 to 15 times and perform three sets. For a less stable option, use dumbbells instead of a barbell.
Palms Down Wrist Curl: Start in the same position as with the palms up wrist curl. However, instead of facing your hands toward the ceiling, have your palms facing the ground. As with the palms up wrist curl, begin by lowering the bar as far as possible. Then, raise the bar as high as possible, using only your wrist to move the bar up and down and keeping your forearms still on the weight bench. Perform three sets of 10 to 15 reps.
Wrist Flippers: In a standing position, hold a dumbbell at waist level in both of your hands. Start with your palms facing the ceiling and your elbows almost touching your side. Then, flip both of your wrists at the same time, causing your palms to turn down toward the floor. Slowly repeat this motion 10 times, rest, and repeat for two more sets.
Reverse Curl: Standing up, hold a weighted barbell with your hands shoulder-width apart and your arms extended straight down. With an overhand grip on the bar, slowly raise the barbell to your chest. Return to your starting position and repeat for three sets of 10 to 15 reps.

Behind the Back Curls: Have someone hand you a barbell behind your back as you stand up straight. Hold the barbell with an overhand grip and start with your arms fully extended down. Using your wrists, curl the barbell toward the ceiling as high as possible, careful to keep your arm still. Return to the starting position and repeat 10 times for three repetitions.
Squeeze the Ball: For this exercise, all you need is a tennis ball or a racquetball. Simply grab the ball in one hand and squeeze. As you perform the exercise, try to squeeze the ball in slow, controlled movements. After 15 or 20 repetitions, swap hands. Try to perform three to five sets.
*For a more challenging workout, weight can be added to exercises using barbells.

Post workout soreness - Fitness Training in Bath

A few tips to ease the soreness in your muscles and get them ready for your next trip to the gym.

Working out and muscle soreness go together like peanut butter and jelly. Experiencing a bit of pain following a good workout is practically inevitable, and while you may want to skip the gym to get over the pain, there are better ways to overcome your soreness.
Wondering what they are? Read on to find out.
Stretch It Out
For many people, the idea of stretching is old fashioned, doing nothing but cutting back on the amount of time spent actually working out. However, if you want to beat soreness and avoid greater injury, stretching is a must. The best way to incorporate stretching into your exercise regimen is to do some light exercise first and then stretch out the muscles you will use during your routine.
But don't only stretch before you workout. You'll also want to stretch after a workout. Doing this will allow you to reap the benefits of reduced soreness, reduced risk of injury, and increased range of motion.
Apply Warmth, Cold, and Pressure
Another great way to beat muscle soreness is to apply heat and cold. If you find yourself dealing with regular soreness, toss some ice in a plastic bag and place the bag on the muscles bothering you most. You can also apply a heating pad, which will help bring additional blood to the site of your soreness and therefore bring some relief. Just be sure to not leave the heat or ice on your sore muscles for more than 15 minutes at a time.
When you want an even more enjoyable way to overcome exercise-induced soreness, beg your significant other for a massage or head to the office of a massage therapist. After a good massage, you'll feel better than you have in a long time and be ready to keep on your workout schedule.

Work It Again
Feeling sore can make you want to stay in bed, applying ice and heat and more ice and more heat. However, staying still at home is not going to help you beat your soreness. Actually, this will cause you to suffer soreness after every workout from here to eternity. To beat your muscle soreness, get back out there and get some more exercise. Once you've been exercising for a few minutes and get past your initial discomfort, the aches you felt will be a thing of the past.
For the best protection, you should work out all your various muscles on a regular basis. This way, you can go ahead and let all the muscles in your body grow sore and in the process get more accustomed to working out. In the end, this will result in less post-workout soreness.
Bringing the Pain
Wish you could altogether do away with muscle soreness after working out? Well...you can't. Because what you're dealing with after exercising is as natural and inescapable as death.
The pain you experience after a good workout is known as delayed onset muscle soreness, a.k.a. DOMS. True to its name, DOMS sets in a bit after you're done working out - between 24 and 48 hours later. Your DOMS shows up when you push your muscles beyond what they're used to, causing tiny tears in the muscles being worked out. But have no fear.
These tears are not dangerous for the long-term health and function of your muscles. Beyond some post-workout soreness, the tears should have no consequences.
In the event you experience pain immediately after a workout or your pain does not subside after a few days, you may have done more than push your muscles to cause DOMS. You may have suffered a more serious muscle trauma. If a few days of rest don't help you overcome the pain, contact your physician to prevent a more serious injury.

Increase your Bust- Women`s fitness in Bath

Why yes you can. Here's how.

"We must, we must, we must increase our bust!" As a child, you sang it jokingly with your close friends. As a teenager, you shouted it with passion and vigor. Now, you say it as if the words alone could cause your breasts to leap cup sizes in an instant. But without plastic surgery, is it actually possible to help your chest grow? Yes it is - as long as you don't expect to jump from an A cup to a D cup.
If you're interested in increasing your bust and feeling better about your body, give these simple and effective exercises a shot.
You know it's a bad day when you put your bra on backwards and it fits better. -Unknown

Modified Push-Ups: Start on your knees, with your arms bearing the weight of your body and your elbows crossed and lifted off the ground. Keeping your back straight, lower your body to the floor. Try to touch the floor with your chest. Raise your body off the floor, using only your arms. Return to your original position, but don't lock your elbows at the top of the exercise. Rather, begin your next push-up. Your initial goal should be three sets of 10. In a few weeks, you should be able to work your way up to three sets of 20.
Wall Push-Ups: Standing about two feet from a wall, place your hands on the wall. Keep your body in a straight line as you lower yourself toward the wall. Once you reach the wall, slowly push your body back to the starting position and repeat for three sets of 10 to 15 repetitions. Throughout the exercise, focus on keeping your pectorals flexed.

Front Lift: With your legs hip-width apart and your knees bent slightly, stand with a two- to five-pound weight in each hand. Begin to lift your arms straight in front of your body, keeping your elbows bent slightly. Once you reach shoulder-height, pause for two seconds, return to the starting position, and repeat. Go for three sets of 10 or 12.
Pectoral Presses: An exercise that is very similar to the bench press (bench presses are also effective bust boosters), pectoral presses help beef up the muscles behind the breasts. All you have to do is lie down on a weight bench, an aerobic step, or the floor, and grab some light weights (five pounds is fine for starters). Then, place the weights next to your armpits, allowing your elbows to bow out to either side of your body. Push the weight straight up until your arms are fully extended overhead, slowly lower your arms back to the starting position, and repeat for three sets of 12.
Isometric Chest Contractions: Grab a towel and stand with your abdominal muscles tight and your knees bent slightly. With the towel in front of you at shoulder level, begin simultaneously pulling the towel in opposite directions. As you perform the contractions, pull the towel in a rapid pulsing pattern, but don't allow the towel to go limp between pulses. Do this three times a day for one minute each and your chest and self-esteem will reap the benefits.
Get Straight: A final secret to helping your bust grow larger is to have good posture. By sitting and standing up straight, you push your chest out and instantly increase your bust. And if you don't think good posture is exercise, try it for a few days. It's not as easy as it sounds.
While these techniques will help your chest appear larger, they actually won't cause your breasts to grow larger. They simply work to strengthen and firm the muscles behind the breasts. But since they work to give the appearance you seek, these little steps may be enough to keep you from more dramatic and expensive options.
Bringing the Pain
Wish you could altogether do away with muscle soreness after working out? Well...you can't. Because what you're dealing with after exercising is as natural and inescapable as death.
The pain you experience after a good workout is known as delayed onset muscle soreness, a.k.a. DOMS. True to its name, DOMS sets in a bit after you're done working out - between 24 and 48 hours later. Your DOMS shows up when you push your muscles beyond what they're used to, causing tiny tears in the muscles being worked out. But have no fear.
These tears are not dangerous for the long-term health and function of your muscles. Beyond some post-workout soreness, the tears should have no consequences.
In the event you experience pain immediately after a workout or your pain does not subside after a few days, you may have done more than push your muscles to cause DOMS. You may have suffered a more serious muscle trauma. If a few days of rest don't help you overcome the pain, contact your physician to prevent a more serious injury

Prevent a stroke- Good Health Tips in Bath

Maintain your mobility, communication ability, and quality of life - for the rest of your life.

Want to live life to the fullest, enjoying your children and grandchildren for years to come?
Then you're going to have to take some steps today to give yourself the greatest possible protection against a life-changing or life-threatening stroke tomorrow and well into the future.
What can you do to arm yourself against one of the leading causes of disability across the globe? You're about to find out.
Put Your Food Where Your Mouth Is
As with most conditions, one of the first places to look for protection against stroke is your mouth. Pay careful attention to what you're putting in it every day, and do your best to make sure you're filling up with as much good stuff as possible.
Wondering what the good stuff is? It's what mama always told you to eat: fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Get at least eight servings of fruits and vegetables each day, and your likelihood of suffering a stroke drops drastically. At the same time you're amping up your good food intake, it's a good idea to curb your appetite for salty foods and foods that have saturated fat or hydrogenated fat, as these can actually lead to stroke.
Keep the Bad Stuff Away
Now that you know what you should be eating, there are a couple things you'll need to avoid putting in your mouth that aren't foods. The first is cigarettes. Despite what they may do for your mood, your nerves, or your image, smoking wreaks havoc on your entire body, including the arteries that go through your neck. When these arteries are clogged and damaged, stroke can result.
Second on the chopping block is alcohol. No, you don't have to cut alcohol out of your life altogether. But you do have to be smart about your consumption of it. Drink no more than a couple glasses of alcohol each day, and do your best to avoid high-calorie alcoholic beverages. These may taste good going down, but they don't help your body avoid stroke once they settle into your belly.
Work It Out Often
So you're eating the right foods, you've stopped smoking, and you're drinking more responsibly. However, there's still something else you should be doing every day to help your body fight against a potential stroke. You've got to get out from behind your computer desk, step away from your kitchen table, get up off the couch, and go to your local gym for a rigorous workout.

Get in at least 30 minutes of exercise five days a week, and you can reduce your risk for stroke by nearly 25 percent. Sound too good to be true? Talk with your physician to see what he or she thinks. Or better yet - get in the gym and start working out more regularly, with more intensity. The way you'll feel after a few good workouts should be enough to convince you that your routine is indeed leading to the greatest level of stroke protection you've ever enjoyed.
What You'll See
Recognizing stroke is key to a full recovery. Someone who is in the midst of a stroke will experience the sudden onset of the following:
                difficulty speaking
                severe headache with no known cause
                confusion or difficulty understanding speech
                changes in vision
                loss of movement, tingling, weakness, or numbness in the face, arm, or leg - especially on only one side of the body
                problems walking or maintaining balance

If any of these symptoms exist, don't waste time sitting around. Get to the hospital immediately. There is a short window of time following a stroke that allows the sufferer to sidestep many long-term consequences, but you've got to move fast.